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Friday, May 13, 2011

Gadhafi taunts NATO

TRIPOLI, Libya – Taunting NATO, Moammar Gadhafi said Friday that he is alive despite a series of airstrikes and "in a place where you can't get me." The defiant audio recording was broadcast after the Libyan government accused NATO of killing 11 Muslim clerics with an airstrike on a disputed eastern oil town. What do you think of Gadhafi?


  1. Gadhafi is out of his damn mind.

  2. I remember back when this first started Yahoo did an article about the similarities in quotes between Gadhafi and Charlie Sheen. They were equally and ridiculously retarded.

  3. I recently saw a report about him. A revoluzer guy who started with all the bright ideas about freedom for everyone transforming into an insane dictator.
    That's the way it goes when dreamer mess reality.

  4. I think he will eventually need to go. Hes just one of the numerous whack jobs that area of the world produces.

  5. He's crazy, and he's only getting crazier.
