My Followers!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Broadcaster silent as "Judgment Day" hours tick by ..


With no sign of Judgment Day arriving as he had forecast, the 89-year-old California evangelical broadcaster and former civil engineer behind the pronouncement seemed to have gone silent on Saturday.
Family Radio, the Christian stations network headed by Harold Camping which had spread his message of an approaching doomsday, was playing recorded church music, devotionals and life advice unrelated to the apocalypse.
Camping previously made a failed prediction Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 1994.
In his latest pronouncement, he had said doomsday would begin in Asia, but with midnight local time come and gone in Tokyo and Beijing and those cities already in the early hours of May 22, there was no indication of an apocalypse.
The Oakland, California, headquarters of the network of 66 U.S. stations was shuttered with a sign in the door that read "This Office is Closed. Sorry we missed you!"
Family Radio officials, with the help of supporters, had posted over 2,000 billboards around the country warning of a May 21 Judgment Day.
The headquarters, which appears to be normally closed on Saturday, was also shuttered on Friday.
Camping, whose deep sonorous voice is frequently heard on his radio network expounding the Bible, could not be reached for comment on Saturday.


  1. lol, i missed the whole thing ))
    I hope Jesus doesn't mind me missing his rapture party ))

  2. theyre hiding man theyre all hiding i knew it

  3. "could not be reached for comment on Saturday."
    haha I bet he couldn't!

  4. I can put money on it that he'll come out saying he "miscalculated," again just like in 1994.

  5. lol i didnt think it was ending anyway hes just a psycho trying to scare people

  6. I had heard about this, and I really have to say, that guy is an idiot, and a jackass.

  7. I actually surprised they got the amount of attention as they did.

  8. He's probably sipping martinis on his own private island now, laughing at everyone.

  9. Bet that 'sorry we missed you' sign is replaced with a 'sorry, we got rapture'd & you didn't' one!

  10. At least no mass suicides this time around that we have confirmed yet

  11. lmao. That's funny. These people really believe Jesus is coming back. I say he never even existed.

  12. He will announce another raptor in 2012
