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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

LED bulbs hit 100 watts

Two leading makers of lighting products are showcasing LED bulbs that are bright enough to replace energy-guzzling 100-watt light bulbs set to disappear from stores in January.
Their demonstrations at the LightFair trade show in Philadelphia this week mean that brighter LED bulbs will likely go on sale next year, but after a government ban takes effect.
In this product image provided by Osram Sylvania, an ULTRA High Performance Series omni-directional LED A-Line lamp, designed to give the equivalent b
The new bulbs will also be expensive — about $50 each — so the development may not prevent consumers from hoarding traditional bulbs.
The technology in traditional "incandescent" bulbs is more than a century old. Such bulbs waste most of the electricity that feeds them, turning it into heat. The 100-watt bulb, in particular, produces so much heat that it's used in Hasbro's Easy-Bake Oven.


  1. I got some LEDs in my room already but these I got are still not replacing old light bulbs by quality of light.

  2. Interesting.. hopefully prices come down

  3. That's a serious LED! Sounds great though, I wonder what new things that will lead to.

  4. wow thats a leap for technology. leds will replace all others lamps i think!

  5. Love the blog work! keep it up!

  6. interesting find. although it's $50, once it's cheaper it will completely replace all traditional lightbulbs because it's energy saving right?

  7. What government ban? And me thinks $50 each is a bit too steep for light bulbs.

  8. Nice. $50 may seem like alot, but these have to last forever

  9. its another step in the right direction

  10. Nice, but... What kind of light do LED bulbs shed? I know I absolutely hate fluorescent light. It makes everyone look like zombies... O-o
    Hopefully these look a lot nicer.

  11. 50 bucks? That really seems like a lot, however maybe in the long run it will save more than that.

  12. $50 is a lot!!! ;( but good blog!!!

  13. 50 dollars is a little much for a light bulb. But I think eventually they will get cheaper and replace our normal light bulbs completely
